
Mention this title and nearly everyone jumps at the movie based on the book, which is really a pity in my opinion.

Of course the movie couldn't fail with Anhony Hopkins and Emma Thompson in the leading roles. But in the book there are so many beautiful sentences and dialogues that didn't make it into the movie. And what's more, while reading the book, you have the opportunity to "tune in" on the thoughts and reflections of Mr. Stevens, the main character of the novel. 

The book tells the story of his professional life as butler of Darlington Hall, starting in the twenties of the 20th century. The novel begins at the end of his career, when he takes a short holiday in 1956 which brings him to beautiful locations in the countryside. This holiday will also confront him with his past and the choices he made during his life in a changing Britain. 

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Guardian book review

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